I don't really know what I want to do. What I want to be. And I don't like my Interior Design class already. The teacher just rubs me wrong. So, square one. I miss William. I have no idea what I want to do. If I should drop classes. Agh. It's frustrating. And I want to cry. But, I'm stuck in this library tearing up all while trying to act normal.
Anyway, I just don't really know. And it's frustrating. And I just don't know. And I keep saying that. But, that's really all I can think of to say.
My room looks awesome. My mom is amazing. Gosh. I really am so lucky to have her. And my dad. He really is the most wonderful man alive.
We slept there and the next day got right to work. We spent the next couple days cleaning, running to the store, visiting Chase and more decorating. Finally, my room was complete. And it looks splendid. I can’t express in words how much time and effort went into this room. And I can express even less how much I enjoyed having my mom come and help. It was something I know I could never have accomplished without her. She is always there when I need her… except for when I called her on the phone today. ;) Just kidding. And I loved having her here in Provo with me.
Here is my room and a description of how lovely it all looks.
This is my side of the room. For the most part. Complete with all my valuables and bedding. And of course the necessary pictures of some of my loved ones!! That is the shelf we bought. It came in handy and has been a major asset! As you can see. That little Minion. Well... her name is Bianca Flowers. The third roommate.
Wider angle of my half. I have my study area. And a better picture of the bed and what it looks like when it's all made up.
This is my desk. Behind it ... my collection of waterbottles. And then there is my book bag. Filled.
This is my closet. It has all my favorite pictures of people on it. With room for some to be added. My jewelry is off to the side and then leaking onto the door. I forgot to take a shot of inside my closets. So, maybe later.
This is our kitchen. I mainly put it up because I was able to bring a little piece of home back with me... The Rita's poster!!
On and behind our bedroom door. It has my poster! William's mother made it for me. And then the wreath on the door that Jessie made. As you can see everything matches perfectly. Down to the posters. ;)
This is the dresser with world's teeniest drawers. And then my wall which kind of leaked onto Jenna's half but, I don't think she mind. That's Justin Bieber... looking classy as ever.
A shelf on my desk. Used to hold all the books I will be reading this year. Yes. All of those. :(
Our serving area is small in comparison to the eating area. Or maybe this is the cooking area and where the table is, is the eating area. I don't really know. Either way, that part of the kitchen is small.
Our living room. We have 2 couches and a massive TV. The TV came with the apartment. We have yet to buy or install cable. Which is fine with me, because if I'm watching anything... it's a movie.
This is the bathroom. Not much more I can say on that. Oh! There is a poster of Wall-E behind the door and one of William Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean above the toilet.
Just another view of my desk and my bed.
My "shrine" (and I use that word lightly) picture turned out blurry. So, when I open my hallway closet and then my actual room closet... I'll take pictures and include them on a later blog.
My original post was going to be more upbeat. But, I am in kind of a bummed mood. And just don’t know what I want to do. Or anything. So… sorry for this lame post.
Recap: I am majorless. I don’t know what I want to do. I can’t think of what I’m good at and help apply it to a career. I am missing William like crazy, Provo is doing me in slowly. And I love my mom and have the BEST room ever. On a plus side I am trying to be social and make friends in my ward. It is coming along slowly, but I am trying.
P.s. My mom is the best.