I haven't posted in over 3 months.. seems to be a trend?!
Anyway, I made the resolve today that even though I am *** busy, I still want to blog. So, Will is home. And that is wonderful. And I love him. Did I mention I have a Fiance?! I know that there is supposed to be an accent mark above the "e" but, I don't really know how to do that?
Anyway, fiance is my new favorite word. And, have I mentioned I love mine? OK OK OK. The story.
So, yes, I was a little suspicious. He and my mom kinda made me feel a little shady but I figured if he was going to propose what is the point of spoiling a surprise? So, I quit being Sherlock Holmes and tried to focus on my schoolwork.
I had class from 4-7. It's a terribly long class. 3 hours. And Will said he had an ROTC meeting from 5-7. He asked if I could give him a ride home afterwards, but Chase had the car. So, I guess he and Chase talked and he let Chase in on the secret and it was agreed that Chase and I would come get him from his meeting after my class got out.
Well, I got to a school and remembered we had a group project due coming up soon. I had told my group we could definitely meet after class today. So, I told Will that I couldn't pick him up, but that Chase could. He was a little shady about me not coming, but I had decided to look past the shadiness of it all. :)
So, I got to class. One of my group-mates had no voice and the other just had surgery. So, they both bailed on meeting after class. I texted Chase saying I needed a ride and Will saying that I could give him a ride (this was at 6pm, only 1 hour before "pickup").
7pm comes and goes and Chase is late. Well, he didn't tell me he was going to be late. So I was standing under an awning outside in the freezing cold as it rained. My hair was straight today. Rain + my straight hair = disaster. I called Chase, definitely frustrated, and he told me to go inside he would be a few more minutes. Irritated and cold I went inside the building. He finally comes and we pull up to the ROTC building.
I text Will and tell him to come out. He calls me and keeps asking me to go inside. I was a butt, I will admit it, and didn't understand why he wanted me to come in. It was a combination of irritation and confusion that fueled my disinterest. Not to mention it was cold outside. And raining. And my hiar was straight. Anyway, he ended up coming to the car and eventually I agreed to go in and... oh yea, "meet his commander." So, as we are walking in there is a group of guys waiting by the door. I see Will's best friend Isa, and decide that I kind of probably look less than happy [blame it on the fact that my hair which takes forever to straighten, was being ruined... high maintenance?]. I quickly remember Audrey Hepburn saying that the happiest girls are the prettiest girls and so I cheerfully greet Isa and company. Because, my [now fiance] is going to be the head general of the United States Army one day and his wife always has to look her best. ;)
As I am walking down the short hallway... it clicks. He was going to propose. And there was no commander. And I was a brat. And I was rude. And so, I have this whole elaborate proposal scheme in my head. We will walk into this room and be alone and he will propose. Well, excitedly I walk into this office where all of Will's things are. Suddenly, in the corner of the room, a man swivels around in his chair. It's his commander. We make small talk as Will packs up his bag. It dawns on me that he is not proposing and that I am "that girl." Ya, the girl who makes up proposals in her head. We say goodbye to his commander and start walking out the door.
At this point, I am sad that my hair is "ruined", upset that I am not wearing a jacket and it's cold, internally embarrassed that I made up a proposal in my head, and disappointed that there actually is a commander. So, we walk out the door to head back to the car and Will groans and says "my boot is untied." He swings his bag down and kneels to tie his shoe.
First thought: does NO ONE but me care about my hair?
He starts making small talk and asking me about my day. And then he kind of laughs. I hadn't said anything funny and so I looked at him slightly puzzled. He kinda nods off behind me and says "those guys". I realized that the boys were gone from the doorway and wasn't sure who he was referring to. As I turned around... I saw:
When I turned back around Will was already on one knee. He began to say some really nice things (none of which I remember because my head was spinning and my mind was going 100 miles an hour) and finally asked me to marry him. I said "no", followed by a quick "yes!!" (Had to throw in a little twist there for a cinematic effect ;) Actually, the no was kind of an inside joke we had. )
Anyway... best, easiest, most sure decision I have ever made in my life. I am BEYOND excited. He's great!!!!!!!!!
Have I mentioned I love my FIANCE?!
Here's some more pictures taken during and after!