Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Will just left. He's gone. For two years. This isn't the much anticipated blog post, that is for later. When I can finally get the pictures off my Dad's camera. I love him. He will do amazing. This whole Missionary thing is very bittersweet. Time is going on around me... but I feel stationary. It's weird. I don't like it. That... and the tears I've been choking back the past 2 weeks came into full effect last night. And again, I am choking them back today. And did my best as we said goodbye. But, he's gone. See him in 2 years. More to come later. After I get out of this funk I've managed to sink into.  Till then...

1 comment:

  1. I had to skim through most of the last few posts, and will sink my teeth into them tomorrow! I had a looooonnnnnggggg day today. Ugh.

    I know how your heart is aching and I wish I were there to give you a big hug, and what's with your mom leaving town at such a time?!! Can't you just go fly and catch up to her?

    Will sounds like a wonderful man. You are both lucky, because it will take one heck of a wonderful man to be worthy of you! If you have to be apart, I can't think of anything better than knowing that someone you love and care for is doing such a worthwhile and righteous endeavor, selfless and obedient. Just as blessings are promised for his family, I'm sure that you will be in line for the same. Just take this time to grow yourself in the same spiritual way and pray for his safe return.

    I really must meet this guy...you might have to share some of his missionary experiences now and then and I will keep up with his blog in order to get to have a virtual friendship!

    Hugs and kisses from across the miles. I love you.
