Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let the Workout Begin...

Workout- Noun. A session of vigorous physical exercise.

I guess I should start by explaining what this post is all about. First of all I gained a little bit of weight last semester. Not that it would be really noticeable to anyone but myself. But, I figured it was better to lose the weight now instead of risk that I add more on top of that this semester. However, when I tell people all that I normally get a scene similar to Mean Girls... Regina George: "I really wanna lose 3 pounds..." (silence) (hurriedly) Gretchen Weiners: "Oh my gosh why you're so skinny!?"

Just kidding! I don't tell anyone the reason for me and my roommates starting weight watchers (our own little small group... it's free this way) and our own 30 day shred.

With a lot of help from my mom on the weight watchers side of things (she has all the materials), we've devised our plan of how many "points" we get per day. Then we sit down and make a schedule of what days we are eating what and how many points etc... and then we grocery shop. AND all 3 of us stick to it! I like to think that I spearhead the food side of things, but Kara helps a lot as well.

Kara, is our Jillian Michaels... she is the workout Queen. And let me tell you my abs are feelin' it today!

It went something like this...
Me: "Kara, I can't go here my shorts are too short."
Kara: "They don't care... girls are here with shorter shorts than you."
Me: "I can't go. I look like a lesbian in work out clothes."
Kara: "You DO NOT look like a lesbian. I think you could pull of a really cute sweatband/headband thing though... but you look too girly to be a lesbian. Trust me..."
Jenna: "Day one and you're already backing out?!"
Me: (In my head "...yes"). "No. I just was stating my concerns."

I'm kinda a workout wuss.

Kara: "30 minutes on the elliptical."
Me: "30 minutes? That's too long."
Kara: "Get on the elliptical and do it!"
Me: "Yes ma'am."

And thus began our work out. She is the workout queen and has enough motivation for all 3 of us. I normally want to back out... but, she doesn't let me. She let's me and Jenna take rests... but, never give up completely. It's both rewarding and humorous.

We did insanity yesterday. Ha! what I wouldn't have given to have a small camera in the apartment to video tape us. She knew all the moves and me and Jenna struggled to learn them. Good times...

Later that night after we made our dinner, we wanted to go and actually do something. Someone suggested a place called air extreme sports... basically a big warehouse with foam pits, trampolines, rock walls (that you jump off of into a foam pit), rope swings (that you drop off of into a foam pit), basketball hoop games via trampoline and of course all things to make it as extreme as can be.

It was actually a lot of fun. It's more fun if you know tricks like most of the boys there did... I was happier watching them get enough air to do 8 front/back flips in a row and land in the foam pit than I was jumping. But, I had fun with them and we all left with the notion that sleep was going to come quite easily.

And it did.

My body is sore. And adjusting. So, six pack here I come. ;) Haaaa. Right.

1 comment:

  1. Love the "memory" from Mean Girls! Wow! I am so proud of you for working out, that is awesome. The strange thing about working out is once you get started you kind of like it. But, I must add you come from a whole family of work out wuss's! Ok, so that is not true, just a mother who is a workout wuss. Rumor has it Chase (yes, hard to believe) is working out, daily!!

    You girls will do great on WW. What I loved about it was that it was so educational. I had no idea I was eating so much crap. It is somewhat of a miracle that I am not a larger person. So, enjoy it with your friends and don't forget one of my very favorite sayings "one can endure most anything, with a friend." Tell Jenna and Kara I am going to the jewelry show, and there will be rewards for pounds lost:).
