Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What I DO Want in a Career vs. What I DON'T Want.

'I am often told I have a good head on my shoulders. That I an capable of many things. Well, why has been choosing a major been a major struggle/hurdle. An obstacle I am struggling to overcome. I am not one of those people who enjoy changing majors like 100 times. I don't do it for fun. I just can't ever feel good about any one thing. And I don't want to get a degree in something I can't or won't use. So, here are my two lists. We will start with what I DON'T want.

I don't want to:
• work 40+ hours a week
• work in a cubicle/desk job
• be gone for work a lot
• go one business trips for long periods of time.
• work an "on call" all hours of the day/night kinda job.
• feel like my job is my life.
• ALWAYS be working. (late hours at home, on vacations that kinda thing)
• be stuck and never be promoted. Or demoted for that matter. Though promoted is definitely preferred.
• be out of a job.
• struggle financially
• be the sole provider of my family.
• not have kids when I want because of my work.
• be in school 5+ years.
• get a random degree and an even more random job.
• work with corrupt people or in a corrupt industry.
• work where I am always on the defensive... Where I feel like my integrity and values are constantly challenged.
• work in politics.
• work and have kids.
• to always feel pushed for deadlines/stressed.
• be away from my husband for long periods of time.
• work stuck behind a computer.
• be a face in the crowd.
• not be motivated or feel supported
• to be limited on time I have to spend with my family, church, church callings and my community.
• to work somewhere that has low expectations for employees.

Now... On to what I DO want.

I want to:
• Make a difference
• work with kids.
• be able to afford nice things.
• be able to go on vacation.
• know I am doing something good and worthwhile.
• have opportunity to be an example.
• come home for dinner every night. I'd like to be the one fixing or helping to fix it too.
• have some free time.
• be good at what I do.
• do something that CAN be fun.
• graduate in 4 years.
• to travel (not necessarily for my job)
• my co-workers to know my husband.
• to get married.
• be in shape... Same size I am now would be nice.
• to feel needed/appreciated/vital
• have time for myself
• eventually be a stay at home mom
• have creativity in the workplace (not routine day in day out as well as I what I do/create/say)
• work with people.
• work FOR people. (people as a collective whole. Not like under a boss or for a boss. Though I am not above working for a boss).
• feel myself being challenged and growing.
• have time to enjoy the little things.
• find a job where I can live my values and beliefs.
• feel uplifted at my job.
• want to wake up and go to work.
• work with kids. Have some interaction. Or help them.
• KNOW that what I'm doing is right.

Now... On to choose a major. Thats the hard part. :/

Wish me luck.


  1. Not sure there is a job out there that meets your criteria! But, I did notice you mentioned "work with kids" twice on your what I do want, list! Hmmm, could it be fate or a simple oversight? I think it's a sign!

    Maybe teaching, is your calling, think about it...

  2. i agree with linda. obviously you love kids. obviously.

  3. I also agree. I'm an English education major because of a lot of things, but the biggest reason is that I would have the same schedule as my kids...so I can be home every night and be family-oriented. Not saying you should do that, but it is a good option. PLUS if you wanted to work in Special Education, there is ALWAYS jobs wherever you go. Seriously. There's my two bits. I'm done now. Yes...now. Right now. I'm gonna go. Nnnnnnnow. Love you Sophia! Okay now. Right. <3 :) bye :)

  4. ...hmmm, obviously, you don't want to own a retail business!! It is, however, creative and fun, challenging, travel-related and at times stressful. It does give lots of room for service and a world of opportunity to be an example and disciple of the Savior. Even in a highly Gentile world.

    That's quite the list, missy! I'm sure you can figure it out. Pray always, be believing and all things will work for your good. Really.
