I've decided to write this part in timeline form to include as many details as I can remember. As a new college student its only normal that i'm scatterbrained and a little out of whack! ALSO, since my mom WAS there for most of the week i'll try to focus on the social aspect (or the part she wasn't there for ;) )
Each building has a theme. Mine (Harris Hall) is "Oh, The Places You'll Go!"
There are two "Y's" in the picture. 1. On the mountain. 2. On the girl's sweater.
Wed 25th: Check-in day!! :) With more help than I deserve we set up my room. I was joined by my WONDERFUL mother and AMAZING Aunt Brenda and Cousin Marissa! The theme was aqua and lime green, two of my most favorite colors!! We made the trek down to my room (its in the dungeon) and began some hard work! There of course in the teeny dorm rooms isn't much room to work with but mine turned out by far the cutest on campus if I don't say so myself.
Now, try to imagine it on its first day. (So, take out the laptop, cluttered desk, piles of textbooks, and straightner.) I forgot to get a picture of it in it's PRIME so, this will have to do :) Everything matches quite nicely huh?! The cute "S" compliments of Susan will be hung up when I get the hook. The picture frames were a project me and my mom took on and match perfectly! There is a book in the top left, the scrapbook my mom made for me. And the cute owl creatures (top right shelf) compliments of Jessie keep me company when I am missing home or just alone working on... schoolwork. :)
Let's see Wednesday, I really just met my ward. We have two or three cute boys and one REALLY cute guy. I was informed by my friends that there was a boy from another ward who came by and questioned them about me. His name was Scott, he plays lacrosse, quite cute and he was "going to come back later to meet me." I then went to the New Student Orientation (NSO) bar-b-que. It was terrible. We waited in the blazing sun for 2 hours. Only to be rewarded with what? NO MORE WATER BOTTLES. How is one supposed to eat without water? Not to mention I was in a group with no one I knew. 4 Unattractive nerdy boys, 1 really rude boy, 17 girls (2 of whom I met and hung out with). Anything wrong with that picture? 17 girls to 5 boys? That evening me and my ROOMmate Nikole went to a waterfall with 3 other really nice guys. As I was walking to the car a boy walked up to the front seat, taking the hint I began heading towards backseat only to realize he was opening the front door for me!! We climbed the FREEZING cold waterfall barefoot. YES, climbed. I was pretty sure I was developing a severe case of hypothermia in my feet by the end of it. But, I love those kinds of activities so all was well. :)
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Its off a phone so any larger and the quality is BAD!! Me in front of my dorm room. My balloon is the green one on the right! |
Thursday 26th: New Student Orientation. A.k.a the same group as last night minus the rude boy and a few girls. Our sad little group was becoming smaller by the second. :) Haha We had a cool "convocation" where we learned the history of BYU. I met up with Kara and Amber the two girls from the night before. Then there's Ren, a boy who joined our group! He was really nice, cute but young looking and quite shy. However, he was immediately welcomed into our threesome to complete the 4 normal students in a sea of strange BUT really nice freshman. We also got the worst tour of BYU ever. Basically a 2 hour walk in my brand new (and unforgiving) Sperry's, while the guides pointed at buildings in the distance. I had dinner with my mom and Chase. (It was during that time, my roommates told me, that Lacrosse Scott had come looking for me.) We had a fun time laughing and talking, something I will truly miss (talking with my mom.) That evening I was invited to Wyview apartments with my roommate Ashley and her friends Kassie and Scott (a different one, but also quite cute.) Five minutes into the "hang out" I realized I was in the wrong place. These kids cringed at the name Will Ferrell, disliked the movie Talladega Nights, had (not there is ANYTHING wrong with this) hour long scripture reading parties each night and found humor ONLY in Disney and PG rated films. Me and my new friend Scott discussed how we were terribly out of place.
Friday 27th: Me and my roommates skipped orientation. (Since only 2 of the 6 of us were going anyways it wasn't that big of a rebellion). That day my roommate Jenna called me and aksed me to come outside. I did and finally met Scott (as he was practicing lacrosse, he's on the team). That evening I went to the dollar theatre with my roommate Ashley our new friend Kassie and the weird people from the previous night. We saw "How to Train Your Dragon." It was really only worth the $1.50 I paid for it. Not to mention there were more children than adults in this college movie theatre, Welcome to BYU. Scott (the Lacrosse one) called me prior to the movie and asked me on a date that night. However, while I was at dinner with my roomy Ashley and we were leaving the Cougareat (food court) a boy came and dropped a piece of paper at my feet. Ashley began to laugh and I was thinking "HOW RUDE! This poor boy just dropped something and she is laughing? That is terrible." After taking a few steps he called out "Hey YOU dropped this?" Startled I turned around, on the verge of saying "Sorry. But NO that is NOT mine." Instead I took his paper and said "Thank you." Quickly walking off. I unfolded it and turned to Ashley showing her the paper and said "OH. MY. GOSH. It's his number." She burst into laughter and admitted that is why she was laughing so hard when he dropped it. Smooth move, boy with the paper. I never called, because well I couldn't remember if he was cute or not, and my cousin said that was a BAD sign. :) ONTO THE DATE! He picked me up at my dorm front door and we walked towards the parking lot. He asked what time I would like to be home, I picked 12:30 a good solid not too late/not to early time. He informed me he had a car. I was so excited when I saw the black sports car convertible thing.. (I later learned it was a Mazda Miata). We went to Ihop for breakfast for dinner and got to know each other. A little awkard as most first dates are, but conversation did flow quite well. So not too many awkward pauses. Later he took me to a parking lot and I (just learning to drive stick shift) practiced on this SUPER NICE car!! He was thoroughly impressed (Props to Jailynn and Chantelle Zenger who informed me boys found girls driving stick shifts incredibly attractive. Good to know I have a leg up on the competition.) Afterwards he asked me to close my eyes and drove me up to the entrance where you hike the "Y" and we sat on his car and looked out at Utah! It was super pretty! (He pointed out temples and lakes and other landmarks!) Finally, after giving me several options to choose from, we went back to his dorm and met his roommates and friends. After we talked for a half hour (it was getting pretty late 12:20ish) he walked me home commenting on the fact (I had forgotten) that we had made pretty good time (it was almost 12:30) hugged me and said goodnight.
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The "Y" , again taken off a phone so BAD quality. |
Saturday 28th: I got a tour of BYU and where my classes were by Lacrosse Scott. He then came with me to meet my Mom, Chase, Aunt Brenda and Marissa. (They had come by to drop off somethings and to go out to lunch.) The 5 of us went out to lunch at a yummy little mexican restaurant followed by grocery shopping for our apartments. Once we got home, the moment came when it was time to say goodbye to my mom for the next 4 months. She left me some advice, a long hug, a scrapbook of my 18 years of life and more good memories than a person deserves. As she drove away, it finally dawned on me how much I appreciate and took my parents for granted. They are the best (hands down) parents anyone could ever ask for, and as I walked inside I wondered how I was so lucky as to be blessed with such wonderful examples and influences in my life. I began to get ready for the dance that night, kinda dreading it actually. But, I went and was sent home because my shorts, were too short. I walked home and debated going out with Nikole and her friends, or changing into my jeans and going back to the dance. After much discussion I changed and left for the dance with Ashley and Kassie. It was alright. EFY in a nutshell though. I danced with one really cute boy before we went inside the Wilk to check out the bouncehouses (what are we five?), board game room, karaoke, comedy show and food table. It turned out to be a pretty fun night of comedy and dancing. Followed by hanging out with a sweaty (he had just finished his last lacrosse game) Scott and his roommates. We hung out into the morning before heading to bed as their church was at 8:30 (mine is at 11 so not too bad.) Again, he walked me home and said goodnight.
Sunday 29th: Church was good. Really interesting and quite spiritual being in a ward of all young adults. Our Sacrament was so SUPER quiet, nothing quite like the rowdy Sacrament full of crying babies like i'm used to! The sunday school we went to was taught by two boys (All the girls attended this one, as they were the only boys teaching a lesson that sunday). Following church I went to a good friend from back home's apartment off campus (Nichelle Shaw who recently moved up here.) We (including Chase) had a good meal of mini pizzas, broccoli, and string peas (Oh the starving life of a college kid ;) ). We spent the majority of the time talking, laughing and reminiscing about the good ole' days. Haha. We met one of her CRAZY roommates and had a good time until it was time for me to leave! At 7pm I had a "hymn-singing" fireside (basically one person goes up says a hymn why they like it, pick a verse and we sing that verse). It sounded really lame and corny to me but.. it turned out to be incredibly spiritual and moving. Our ward has some amazing stories, people and voices. After the fireside I talked and hung out with (the cutest kid in the whole ward ahhh!) Terrell. He is beyond cute. He and his roommate were quite funny and drove me and Ashley home, and like all the other nice young men i'm surrounded by, walked us to our door and said goodnight! The rest of the night Nikole, Ashley, Holly and I, ate popcorn and talked. It too was a lot of fun. I am extremely happy and having a blast! I miss my family TONS, but there is always Skype, Texting and of course phone calls. :) I am SO fortunate to be able to attend BYU!! And am so excited for a FUN year!!
Coming up Next... Roommate Profiles!! :)
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