Thursday, September 2, 2010

Skipping My Other Post.. For Now.

So. I have another blog all lined up and ready to go.. its a very lengthy detailed blog about my first week of school. It however, does not include how much homework stinks. UGH. I hate homework.

So, I decided to write a little blurb on all my roommates. Pictures courtsey of facebook. We've yet to take any. :)

Roommate 1, Amy: Amy is quite nice. She is however, also extremely smart and quite friendly. She has a really good voice and is actually in the BYU Women's choir... Thing. Which is AWESOME. She seems to be a little more mature than I am. Well.. maybe just less crazy. :)
Roommate 1

Roommate 2, Holly: I love. She is too cute. And it doesn't hurt that she was there to comfort me when I was having an OFF day! :) Super naive but what can you do?! She is really nice and works two jobs, so she's not always here. Which is sad cause I really like her. No really weird stories about her. Except that this weird boy came to the door last night when it was just us there. He awkwardly asked for her number (as I eavesdropped from the kitchen laughing.) She came came in after the encounter highly upset that she had given him her real number. But, she's too nice to do anything else.
Roommate 3 Jenna: Two words. BOY CRAZY!! She loves boys!! It is funny to hear her talk about how much she likes them.  (Despite having VL. Don't ask me what that is. It's an embarrassing Utah term... Ok first word is Virigin second Lips. Like I said.. I cringe just thinking it.) But that really doesn't matter!?! At least to me! She is however, very sporty. Which is good cause I enjoy playing sports as well! So at least im not alone in that aspect! She is outgoing and pretty easy going. Just REALLY REALLY boy crazy. :)
Roommate 4 Ashley: Nice as well. Not boy crazy, or at least not any more than the rest of us. ;) Only teasing. But back to roommate 4. She is really nice as well. Pretty easy going as well, also a VL. However, she's legit and I end up doing lots of things with her. Because she likes some of the same stuff I do. Also, she doesn't mind sharing her friends with me. Which helps because she's from Utah and knows lots of people, and I came out alone. Ashley, is awesome. ha
Roommate 5: OK OK. Her name is Nikole. She's my actual roommate and out of everyone I think we get along really well. :) Neither of us are super boy crazy, or super SUPER (like to the point of being too much and over the top) Mormony. Was VL up until recently. Im SO proud of her. We have a lot of fun together. With her friends (she doesn't sharing either. Plus lots are boys.. which is good. I guess?) But anyways we have one class together.. Physical Science. Which I hate. She'll help me with it im sure. That will be the trying test of our friendship.. Can she survive my illiteracy when it comes to physical science. I hope so. I like this roommate. I got REAL lucky.
Me and Nikole in our ROOM!!
All in all. I got pretty good roommates, if I dont say so myself. Walking around campus and seeing some of the other freshman i'd say I got some of the best BYU had to offer. They have helped make my time here at BYU thus far.

If you want any more specifics (names, birthdays, weird tendencies, other weird boyfriend stories..) feel free to ask, til next time.


  1. We'll we all know back home that you are NOT VL I bet they have loved sitting at your feet as you have shared your experience in this arena. I should have given you a class on UTAH TERMS before leaving. VL is one of my favorites!! Sis. Barker and I Love and miss you!! Glad that you are having fun

  2. What cute roommates! You are indded lucky! I am so happy that you have a wonderful friend to share your room with. Miss you, mom
