Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Tribute to a Woman I Will Forever Admire..

I wish I could be there on Sunday, but since I am in Utah and unable to attend her Funeral I wanted to write my own piece of the woman who holds a very special place in my heart... But where do I begin? My Aunt Dell is one of the most wonderful people I have ever had the privilege to be associated with. She was beyond giving of her time and money. She worked hard. And most of all through all of my shenanigans as a child, mood swings as a pre-teen, and slowly less frequent visits into my teenage years I know with ALL my heart she loved me. And I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I loved her. Aunty Bucket, Aunty Bouquet (pronounced Boo-Shay) meant so much to so many.

I remember some of my NICEST vacations were taken while in her company. At one time she took me and Chase to Charleston. We stayed in a really nice hotel and took a boat to Fort Sumter. The fact that she wanted to take an adolescent duo like Me and Chase says enough about her in itself! However, the trip I will forever be grateful for is when she took me to Europe. We traveled through England and France, stopping at places such as the Eifel Tower and Abbey Road. However, I loved the Towers of London (maybe my weird obsession with historical things like that?) and seeing the "crown jewels." We even did the BRAND NEW (at the time), London Eye!! I had more fun on that trip and sightseeing with her than I have had on many outings with my friends! I only wish the pictures had been taken on a digital camera, instead of on a disposable one, so I could have access to them now.

Aunt Dell had many qualities I hope to emulate in my own life. I will miss her visits to our house, our visits to her house, sitting at the little baby table in her kitchen (the big one is for old kids only. ;) ), our trips to the dollar store, the Hershey bar I got everytime we saw her, her bag of blow pops in her car, interrogating her about the people she had to "interview", teasing her about her days in the CIA, but most of all I missed her at my graduation, I will miss her at my wedding, at my college graduation and throughout the lives (hopefully not for quite some time) my children. Never once did I think about the chance she might not be at these events. While she won't be there physically, she will always BE there in the memories I have with her, the stories I tell of her and in many of the actions I take because she has forever impacted my life for good. She is a reason I am the person I am today and I will always owe her that. I love you Aunt Dell. Always and Forever.


  1. She was indeed an awesome lady whom we were are fortunate to know. She loved you dearly. Miss you, mom

  2. Wonderful post. I'm sorry for your family's loss at this time. Miss you!
