Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Dear people of the world, 

I have a couple of concerns. 

The first. It was 7 degrees when I left my dorm this morning at 10:50am. It was 10 degrees when I was walking home at 6:50pm. Tonight's predicted temperature... 1degree. WHHAAATTTT?

Charlotte, NC my HOMETOWN will host the 2012 Democratic National Convention? WHHAAATTT?

It's freezing cold and there is no snow on the ground. How can you be cold without snow to look at? Something just isn't right about that. WHHAAATTT?

I have 5 unopened water bottles. I have been using the same one for the past week. Refilling and refrigerating. I am going green? AND saving money like a super poor person?! WHHAAATTT?

I have been practicing the piano pretty much everyday for a week. I like it. I need more sheet music. Did Sophia Giler just say that? WHHAAATTT?

The United States once had the highest proportion of young adults with post-secondary degrees in the world. Today, the U.S. has fallen to 12th. WHHAAATTT?

American 15-year-olds do not even rank in the top half of all advanced nations when it comes to math or science literacy. WHHAAATTT?

According to a new study conducted by the Economic Policy Institute, if the U.S. trade deficit with China continues to increase at its current rate, the U.S. economy will lose over half a million jobs this year alone. WHHAAATTT?

Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the U.S. dollar has lost over 95 percent of its purchasing power. WHHAAATTT?

And. To end on  a happy much funnier note an excerpt from one of my new favorite websites. 

I picked this one out for my mom. ;) I don't really mind when you ask. I just found it and it mentioned a mom. 

Dear mom who always asks who I'm texting,
Oh, just that creepy man that lives down the street. The one who always gives me candy.


  1. Mercy! Can't believe I got in before your number one fan, your mom!!

    I was wondering about that I'm glad for the disclaimer.

    The rest of the info is just plain entertaining. And funny. And ohsosophie. That's one of my favorite phrases for me, you can have it too! Ohsosophie. Pretty cool. You're cool.

  2. That bed is pitiful! Now I see what you mean, how on earth do you sleep in it? I too, am glad for the clutter disclaimer. Your quotes are goofy, like you! SO happy to see you in that pretty sweater and way cute boots. Love the pearls as well. Playing the piano daily, hey why don't you do that here? Ohsosophie, I like it! You should definitely use it.
