Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Far TOO Cold.

So there's this HUGE game tomorrow. San Diego #6 Vs. BYU #9 at the Marriott center. Me, Jenna, Will, Luke, Ben, Skylar and Quinton all wanted to go. But here's the catch. You had to be in line at the Marriott Center with your sports pass at 12 at which time they were going to distribute out wristbands. Kinda strange huh? That only the first 5000 people to get there would get wristbands but more than 5000 people have sports passes? Rip off huh?

Anyway. 11am rolls around. Me and Will are walking to the Marriott from our Book of Mormon class. We meet Luke at the front of the Marriott. Luke has a class at 12 that he can't miss. So, he can't come anymore. Skylar is giving someone a blessing. Ben has a once a week class at 12 as well. So, he didn't even come. I dunno where Quinton was during all of this. But, like good friends Will and I get in line. And we wait. Jenna calls around 11 and says she's bringing a blanket and an umbrella. Because as I forgot to mention earlier... it's snowing. And sticking. And it's freezing. So, we wait. Jenna comes. And the 3 of us wait and try to keep ourselves warm and entertained. We play the "let's go in a circle and name something that's hot and see if we get warm cause we're thinking about hot things" game.

It didn't work. Anyway, so 12:33 comes around. We haven't moved 5 feet. (People had camped out for this. And been there all morning. So we weren't even close to the front of the line. It was CRAZY long). Finally, after much discussion I decide that it really isn't worth this. And we haven't moved. And it's too cold. And Will has class at 1. And Jenna missed her 12 class. And tomorrow we have to BE AT the Marriott to wait in another line at 4 when the game starts at 8pm. And I have class at 4 tomorrow and so does Will. And why don't we just watch it with Luke, Ben, Skylar and Quinton and order pizza or something? Well, that thought wins me over. I decide to leave. Will decides to leave. Jenna wants to stay but, feels like a loser and doesn't want to be left alone.

So we all leave and come back to eat pasta and hot chocolate before Will has to leave for class. It was a good effort right? We tried? But in the end... it just wasn't worth it. In the words of Chase (from a text I received):
"I am not going to sit in the cold for hours to get something I supposedly already paid for and am entitled to... dumb. And it's snowing."
"Where is you school spirit?! :)"
"I gave it to the people waiting in the snow. Who are waiting to get what should already be theirs."

I left mine with them as well. I'm sorry BYU but there had to have been a better way of doing this.

Snowing!! You can actually see it falling in this picture!

Walking to the Marriott. 


We all look SO bad. But, that's what makes this picture good huh?

Will our umbrella holder was cut out.
Oh well. We look good. Ha.

Well, Will wasn't quite ready as he was in mid-sentence/squat.

People IN FRONT of us.

People in front and behind us. It was hectic.
OK! So, to end this post I figured I should end with 2 things of the day that impressed me!

  1. On the way to the Marriott a little old lady was scraping the snow off the windows of her car. I didn't notice her until I see Will walk towards her and say "excuse me ma'am. Would you like me to help do that for you?" She smiled and said no she was just finishing up but thank you. I was impressed because no one else had stopped and heck I wasn't about to?!
  2. http://news.byu.edu/archive11-jan-mostpopular2011.aspx BYU is number ONE in the nation for the Country's most popular school. With a 76.9% yield rate they beat Harvard who had a 76.5% and Stanford. This is like the 3rd or 4th time we've been number one!! And this is the second year in a row! Read it (it's short) to find out just how awesome we are! :)


  1. I really did say that!!!! People have to wait in line for a total of over 12 hours!!!! Some people were there this morning super early...to wait for a wristband then they'll go back tomorrow again super early to wait in line with their wristband....NO WAY!!!!

    Love Chase

  2. Holy snot! That's a ton of people!! But, hey, you guys looked cute. Well, except for this Will character in third to last picture. huh.

    Love Nikole

  3. A few things. First, I could have guessed Chase said that if you had given me 100 people to choose from! Second, Will needs a coat and exactly where was your "winter" coat, young lady? I know you have at least 2 and possibly 3 that are warmer than that A&F sweatshirt jacket. I am scared to ask what kind of shoes you were wearing, I am guessing not the cute snow boots I bought you! And third, how can one resist such a gentleman and a cute one at that?

  4. One more comment, I would never, I mean never stand in the freezing cold snow to get tickets to watch a basketball game. At home in my cozy apartment with cute boys and pizza, a wise choice, my sweet smart girl!

  5. Amen to your mom ( I like the idea of being her twin, as you say!).

    And I too was cracking up with Chase's comment, and way to go getting a comment from him! You go, girl.

    Basketball, ugh. Too loud, too sweaty. Too boring. Even if it is BYU! (I'll warn you right now, Fred feels different from me.He would most likely join you in the snowy wait. Go figure.

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  7. SOPHIA!!!! you are the best friend ever for waiting in that line with me....even though you were miserable.....and even though you did but for an hour and half you showed your awesomeness!!! it was a simple act but it showed that you are truly an awesome friend to those around you :) love you and i love that i live with you! you are the best :)
