Sunday, January 9, 2011

No Title.

So, I forgot to blog yesterday. I just can't think of anything to write. I decided that since this is my journal thing, I was going to write everyday for a year. Nikole is making a 365 blog where she includes a picture/description of her day or something like that. I really liked that idea and am probably going to steal the picture thing.

In conclusion, starting tomorrow January 10, 2011, I will be posting a picture of something random from my day on the blog. Even if it doesn't pertain to the blog itself. I think that's something I'd like to have for future reference... or days when i'm just looking back.

Church is at 8:30 in the morning. Sounds terrible huh? It is. Not church but waking up. Like, once i'm there, i'm loving being there and i'm actually for the most part awake and attentive. It's just rough getting up. Especially since last night I was anticipating my alarm going off. So I woke up far too many times. Once, I just was laying there waiting. I reached up checked my phone... 4am. Gross.

I am having trouble staying asleep in this new dorm. I am restless most nights. I'm not sure why though. I dunno.

Anyways I have an interview with the bishop in 10 min. So, I'm going to go make myself look presentable!
Also, there is a CES Fireside tonight. At 6pm. At the Marriott Center with Elder Cristofferson. So it should be good.

Have a WONDERFUL Sunday.


  1. You are probably having trouble sleeping becasue you miss your nice big black and white bed in your super cute hot pink bedroom, with your mom right down the hall! Fireside sounds wonderful and I am sure your Bishop thought you are one sharp southern girl!

  2. I love hearing Elder Christopherson! He came and did a fireside for our whole region not long ago and I loved every word. I'll be waiting for the report!

    And, I'm always ready for photos...carry on.
